Things To Eat In Summer To Stay Healthy

When mercury levels rise, the scorching sun can drain us out. Ignoring this puts our body at greater risk. In summer, many people become dehydrated and lack of energy is another symptom of being hit by this. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention in the summer. From proper diet to certain lifestyle changes, you can overcome the harmful effects of summer. Summer is the perfect time to relax and enjoy nature before temperatures drop, from sunny days to idyllic beach holidays. Unfortunately for many, summer is a time when a lot of junk food appears on the menu like frozen cocktails, carnival sweets, and fried seafood to keep you feeling full. But we should take fruits and colorful vegetables that provide the body with essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, and phytochemicals.

Here are the types of food that will help you stay healthy during summer:

1) Tomatoes: 

 Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, but they also contain beneficial phytochemicals like lycopene, which can cause chronic diseases, especially cancer. So you should always add tomatoes to your diet. 

2) Lauki or Bottle Gourd: 

 It is not your favourite vegetable, but it is very popular for weight loss. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, C, and folic acid. These vegetables are good for high blood pressure, keep your heart healthy, and are considered excellent blood purifiers.

 Put spinach, arugula, basil, and other summer herbs in a salad bowl and cover with a layer of yogurt. This is a great way to produce food and lose weight. Add fruits, nuts, white meat, peppers, mint, and cilantro for a light and tasty snack.

3) Cucumbers: 

Cucumbers are loaded with fibre and they help relieve constipation. So eat this crunchy food, and stay cool in this hot weather. 

4) Portobello Mushrooms: 

 Bye burgers! The most popular choice for grilling this summer's portobello mushrooms. Portobello is a delicious, low-fat meat substitute that pairs well with heart-healthy foods like garlic, olive oil, and rose hips. Researchers at the University of Buffalo's School of Dietetics have found that portobello mushrooms are effective in stabilizing blood sugar levels, minimizing insulin levels, preventing food cravings, and maintaining excess body weight.

5) Zucchini:

 Zucchini, which belongs to the summer squash family, contains pectin, which improves heart health and lowers cholesterol.

6) Watermelon: 

 Watermelon is 90% hydrated, so this is a great way to keep yourself hydrated. It aids digestion and keeps the stomach cool. The same high water content can keep you moving and limit your desires.

7) Curd: 

Curd is not only tasty but also keeps you cool. You can have several types of curd. Make spicy buttermilk or sweet lassi. You can also make raita and eat it with food. Another way to eat curd is to add seasonal fruit or make a delicious smoothie.

8) Coconut Water: 

 Coconut water is the best summer drink. This “cheap” drink is available in most vegetable regions and is full of essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It has cooling properties that help fight the heat. Studies have shown that drinking coconut water can also prevent cancer.

9) Mint: 

 This inexpensive herb can be found at almost any grocery or fruit store. There are many more benefits of adding mint in curd or raita. Mint not only maintains a low body temperature but also has a cooling effect.

10) Onions: 

 You may be surprised to find that onions have cooling properties. If eaten raw, it doesn't taste good, so mix it with lemon or salt to make a salad. Another way to eat onions is to add onions to vegetables, curries, or raita. Red onions contain quercetin, which is considered a natural anti-allergen. Adding onions to your daily diet can help protect against heatstroke.

There are many other foods including: 

1. Green Tea

2. Berries

3. Iced Coffee

4. Apricots

5. Peaches

6. Salmon 

7. Sweet Corn 

Eat all these foods and stay healthy throughout the summer!