Weight machines: how to choose and which are the best?

The urbanization of society, the lack of time, the cost of gym memberships, the constraints of the health crisis finally encourage many people to equip themselves with sports equipment: weight training stations are popular. The latter, more and more sophisticated, are aimed at a population of professionals as well as laymen, so here are some tips for choosing the right weight machine.


Entering the daily lives of professional athletes or people who need to take care of their body for various reasons, the Alessandri brothers suspected that they would revolutionize the world of sport. During the 80s, important years in the relationship of oneself to others, the body is displayed and must seduce. The two brothers designed one of the first weight machines capable of integrating a small space while offering many possibilities to build muscle. The arrival of wellness in the sports sphere of the 90s caused a technological revolution in weight training stations, including heart rate monitoring using connected watches.! Almost no one now forgets to log in before practicing their favorite sport, always with suitable equipment and accessories


Entering the daily lives of professional athletes or people who need to take care of their body for various reasons, the Alessandri brothers suspected that they would revolutionize the world of sport. During the 80s, important years in the relationship of oneself to others, the body is displayed and must seduce. The two brothers designed one of the first weight machines capable of integrating a small space while offering many possibilities to build muscle. The arrival of wellness in the sports sphere of the 90s caused a technological revolution in weight training stations, including heart rate monitoring using connected watches.! Almost no one now forgets to log in before practicing their favorite sport, always with suitable equipment and accessories.






Weight machines: how to find the premium formula?

Before acquiring or changing weight training station, pragmatism is essential. As with all major purchases, it is imperative to start from the user's needs, capacities and physical characteristics. Simple exercises to stay in shape or intensive preparation specific to a competitive sport such as sailing for example? Today, most weight machines offer muscle training for the whole body and combine effort with a dedicated application, for personalization of the training. In addition to these selection elements, the range of products remains bloated, so how do you make the best choice? To help users of weight training equipment to take care of their health, we have made a selection of the 5 best products in their own category.


What bodybuilding equipment to choose and for what use?

To choose the right material, you have to be pragmatic. Besides the budget, the taste for a particular sport and the objectives it implies are important. Prefer the exercise bike to running, strength training to walking on a treadmill at a slow pace defines a future purchase. If each material corresponds to a specific way of working, we must not forget the pleasure of using it almost daily. It is better to work 20 minutes a day rather than an hour a week say sports coaches and competitors. Let's recap the choices offered in the list above.


The weight training station


This is a versatile piece of equipment that will be perfect for working all types of bodybuilding and all types of muscle groups. Each part of the station offers work with weight (loaded) or with body weight (without load). Abs, glutes, dorsal, back, legs are worked in a sitting or lying position with progressive programs and constant monitoring of the heart rate. While pure weight training isn't the best way to work out your heart capacity, the heart is a muscle like any other.


The weight bench


As the name suggests, body work is done while lying down. It requires light weights for gentle weight training or heavy dumbbell weights to work on power. Bodyweight exercises abound, but the abs are the hardest working muscles on a weight bench, regardless of which exercise you choose.


The elliptical trainer


Its main advantage lies in its ability to work all the muscles of the lower and upper body at the same time. Which makes it the ideal device to lose fat and build muscle gently. It is a material designed with a second goal: to work on endurance by maintaining or gradually increasing cardiovascular and pulmonary capacities.


The rower


The rowing machine is the most complete fitness device because it works almost every muscle in the body. It is placed on the podium of materials recognized as being the healthiest, because the efforts provided do not cause physical stress for the joints. Everything works smoothly with the help of pulleys that pull the body from front to back, with varying degrees of ease.


The accessories


Finally, it is essential to choose the right accessories for your home weight training session. Dress is very important: choose it according to your weight machine. You also have to be comfortable there to be able to move as you wish. The outfit counts, among other things, shoes and clothing (shorts, t-shirt, bra, gloves, etc.). You will also need a towel, a water bottle, elastic bands and / or a strap depending on the exercises to be performed.


What criteria to choose the best material?

As sports equipment is installed at home and ready to operate, special attention must be paid to its technical features, which are important to preserve its physical integrity. Is the possible connection to the electrical network correct? What is its actual consumption? What precautionary measures should be taken with regard to children in the house? The devices sometimes carry significant weights which represent a latent danger. Here are some questions that arise when setting up and storing devices.


Maximum authorized weights


All materials have resistance to weight which must be taken into account. No question of practicing a sport on a device allowing 80 kg if the user weighs more than one hundred kilograms. The warranty is not guaranteed and the breakage of part of the weight training station could cause physical trauma. Most stations and equipment support around 150 kg. Do not choose material below this standard, it would potentially be more fragile and its durability shorter.


The noise level and the size


The sound level of the devices is one of the data to take into account, especially in an apartment. The races, weights, pulleys, produce a lot of noise that must be masked or foreseen by purchasing quality equipment. A rower works with a set of pulleys fixed under the seat rolling on a rail, those allowing to manipulate the rudder in other words the handles, a resistance system imitating the effort of resistance of water and a console of programming exercises displaying training data. In addition, whether in a small or a large house, the weight training equipment will take up space in the living space. So, it is advisable to give preference to foldable and small products.


The price: a criterion to be taken into account when purchasing weight training equipment

The budget for equipment and optional accessories must be calculated by taking into account its purchase price less the cost of a sports license, insurance, medical certificate, regular trips to the gym, induced parking, gym membership and possibly a sports coach. This sometimes puts the price of the equipment into perspective and turns out to be a good deal. Because in urban areas all of these direct and indirect costs imposed by the practice of sport are significant. Then you have to choose the price range that corresponds to the budget and the needs of each. The practice of sport at home can prove to be restrictive and quickly abandoned. Also, the two-year warranty prevails for a technical purchase.